Sally is available for counselling therapy at Sunset Drs.
Sally`s background is in teaching to which she added a Diploma of Counselling acquiring knowledge in a range of therapies including CBT, along with considerable life skills a genuine love of people and a sense of humour when all combined she believes this can assist clients to find solutions with many challenging life situations.
Working to a code of ethics she provides a non judgmental confidential service based on empathy and trust, having a special interest in those struggling with issues relating to a life transition , whether it is loss of a partner, retirement, employment , accident or other that could result in stress, anxiety, depression and fear for the future, Sally`s aim is to help people rediscover possibilities, gain hope and strength while working towards their chosen goal with effective tools to cope. The caring environment created by the team at Sunset Road Doctors gives the opportunity for a more holistic approach to counselling.
If you would like to book in to see Sally for counselling therapy. Her details are below.