We charge a $20 DNA (Did not arrive) fee per 15-minute appointment slot missed.
(For example, 45-minute Minor Surgery appointment = $60.00 DNA fee)
Appointments need to be cancelled no later than 3 hours prior to booked slot to allow us to fill the slot with another patient.
We are here for your ongoing care and to offer the best possible service. To help us achieve this goal, it is important to advise the practice if you are unable to attend your appointment.
At certain times of the year, there may be a wait of 2 – 3 weeks to see your preferred doctor. Unfortunately, these times are being impacted by appointments that are booked, but not attended.
FREE Whooping cough vaccine available during pregnancy
If you are pregnant, you can get a FREE whooping cough vaccine, this protects your pēpi from Whooping Cough which highly contagious and can cause serious harm to new-born babies.
Getting your whooping cough vaccine during pregnancy protects your pēpi when they are born. It is most effective when given from 16-26weeks of pregnancy but is available and FREE from 13 weeks of every pregnancy.
Please phone reception to book in 09 478 2878
SRFD opening hours for Christmas holidays
Our practice will be closed from Saturday the 24th December and re open on Wednesday the 4th of January. If you require urgent healthcare during this time, please go to Shorecare at Smales Farm. Shorecare are located at 74 Taharoto Road in Takapuna. We ask that you please be proactive with your script requests to ensure that you have your regular medications during this time. We wish you all a Merry Christmas and stay safe.
Equity at SRFD
Equity Statement
Committed to equitable access for all
Sunset Road Family Doctors is committed to ensuring that all patients – regardless of age, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, culture, socio-economic status, geographical location,
wellness and ability – have equitable access to our health services. This commitment includes our Māori patients and acknowledges the importance of Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
We are a practice that embraces health equity, cultural safety, and cultural competency, and believe that a workforce that is diverse and inclusive, means we are better positioned to understand and serve our community.
We have appointed an Equity Champion to help us drive our equity initiatives.
What equity means to us
Taking an equitable approach means showing genuine care and respect to all patients; acknowledging every one as individuals and recognising their varying needs.
It means we will strive to provide every patient with the medical and wellbeing attention they need, without prejudice and through being mindful of unintentional bias.
How our patients will experience equity
Every patient will feel acknowledged and welcomed by friendly staff who make eye contact and greet them by saying their name.
They will feel safe and secure upon entering our environment and will have a positive experience of their visit to our practice, which will include:
feeling comfortable in our waiting areas.
experiencing genuine rapport with the medical professional they are seeing.
feeling valued, listened to and understood.
feeling as though the medical professional cares about them.
being fully informed about their condition, the treatment options available and potential outcomes to enable them to make the best decision with regards to their healthcare.
feeling confident enough to ask questions about their health and medical care.
not feeling judged by their appearance, socio-economic status, culture, religion or gender.
not feeling rushed out of the appointment session.
the medical professional checking that everything has been explained properly and asking if there are any more questions.
Every patient would leave the practice feeling satisfied that they had been treated well and given the most relevant and professional advice.
They would leave having no concerns about returning to the medical practice for another visit.
Temporarily we are not accepting New Patients
Due to the increase in Winter illnesses and to provide the best possible care to our enrolled population, we are not taking on New Patient enrolments at present. We will resume New Patient enrolments in the Summer time. If however, you have immediate family already enrolled at SRFD we will accept your enrolment. We apologise for the inconvenience this may cause and hope to see you join us in Summer.
Mandatory Mask Wearing policy Sunset Road Family Doctors
All employees, patients and visitors are required to wear a mask upon entering and remaining within SRFD. The mask must cover the nose, mouth and chin.
The following persons are exempted ( but encouraged to wear a mask) from the requirement to wear a mask and will not be required to provide proof of such exemption;
Children under two years of age, or children under the age of five years either chronologically or developmentally who refuse to wear a mask or face covering and cannot be persuaded to do so by their caregiver.
Persons with medical conditions who cant safely wear a mask or face covering ( e.g. due to breathing difficulties, cognitive difficulties, hearing or communication difficulties); at Doctors discretion.
Persons who cannot wear or remove a mask without assistance
Employees who are in an area of the premise that is not designated for public access, or who are within or behind a physical barrier
Temporary removal of the mask or face covering is permitted where necessary for the following purposes;
Consuming food or drink
For any emergency or medical purpose
This policy will be implemented and enforced in “good faith” to primarily educate people on masks and face coverings and promote their use in enclosed public spaces.
Persons with exemptions listed under above are not required to show proof of exemption.
Signs about the requirement to wear masks or face coverings shall be posted at all public entrances
Persons entering or remaining without a mask or face covering will be given a verbal remainder of the policy mask wearing requirement
Employees will be training on the policy, including where and how to properly wear a mask or face covering, and how to help and respond to customers who do not have a mask or face covering.
A copy of this policy will be made available on request to a public health inspector or other person authorized,.
Flu vaccines available from 1st April 2022
Influenza (flu) can be a serious illness and poses a significant public health issue in New Zealand. Immunisation provides the best protection against flu, and demand for the vaccine in New Zealand is increasing.
Some people are at greater risk of becoming seriously ill if they catch flu, including people aged 65 and over, with chronic conditions like heart disease, cancer, diabetes and serious asthma, pregnant women, and young children with a history of serious respiratory illnesses. For these groups of people, the vaccination is free of charge.
Phone 09 478 2878 to book an appointment
Sunset Road Family Doctors last covid vaccine clinic will be Wednesday 23rd February 2022.
If you need to book in for your covid vaccine or booster please go to book my vaccine and book at one of the following pharmacies or clinics in our area.
Unichem Sunnynook
Unichem Milford
Unichem apollo
Northcare accident and medical
Healthzone medical
Mairangi bay medical
Christmas closing hours 2021
We reached our in-house cervical screening improvement goal.
We are still able to help all patients with both short-term and long-term medical complaints over this time, with majority of our consults via phone or video. Please feel free to continue to make appointments for your usual medical needs as well as any new concerns.
You can book via Manage my health or call reception to book your appointment 09 478 2878.
Patients with: Fever, Cough, Sore Throat, runny nose, Shortness of Breath, Loss of sense of smell or have had ANY Contact with a probable or confirmed case of COVID19, have visited any location of interest at the date and times specified on Covid19.govt.nz website need to phone reception and book into our respiratory clinic.
Spirometry Clinic at SRFD
We are holding spirometry clinics once a month on a Thursday at SRFD.
What is Spirometry?
Spirometry (measuring the lung capacity) is the most important test to diagnose and monitor COPD.
COPD causes narrowing of the bronchial tubes (or airways), resulting in shortness of breath. The greater the narrowing, the more difficult breathing becomes. Spirometry is a test which measures exactly how much the bronchial tubes have narrowed. The spirometer measures the speed your lungs can be filled and emptied of air, giving an indication of how well your lungs are performing. This enables your doctor to make decisions about your lung condition and to plan the best treatment for you. Further spirometry tests later on can help decide whether treatments should be continued, changed, or are no longer needed.
What happens?
Having a spirometry test is straightforward. It may occasionally be tiring and make you feel a bit puffed, but usually it is not uncomfortable. The test involves taking a full breath in and blowing out with your best effort into a tube attached to the spirometer machine. Various measurements will indicate how your lungs are working. The test is performed whilst seated and usually takes 25 to 30 minutes.
Breathe in as deeply as you can
Seal your lips around the mouthpiece
Blow out as hard and fast as you can, and keep going as long as possible.
Flu Vaccines now available
Flu vaccination is now available for all.
Influenza (flu) can be a serious illness and poses a significant public health issue in New Zealand. Immunisation provides the best protection against flu, and demand for the vaccine in New Zealand is increasing.
Some people are at greater risk of becoming seriously ill if they catch flu, including people aged 65 and over, with chronic conditions like heart disease, cancer, diabetes and serious asthma; pregnant women, and young children with a history of serious respiratory illnesses. For these groups of people, the vaccination is free of charge .
Phone 09 478 2878 to book an appointment
Are you eligible for a Free or Subsidised Cervical Smear?
Cervical Screening
Cervical cancer is one of the easiest cancers to prevent – as long as we detect the cell changes that cause it, early.
Book in with our Nurse for a discounted smear test at $35.00
Funding is available to help improve smear test rates if you meet the following criteria.
• Pacific and Maori/Tangata Whenua $6.00 Co-payment.
• Women, trans or non-binary person with a cervix aged 30-69 years who have never had a smear test or are 5 years or more overdue for a smear test. FREE
Nurse smear clinic is available Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursdays 2-3pm talk to reception to book your appointment 09 478 2878
We are closed over Christmas/New Year Period
Our practice will be closed over the Christmas and New year period. As we will be closed, we encourage you to be proactive with your medications and request your repeat prescriptions as soon as you can. We hope you all have a restful and festive holiday period and we look forward to seeing you all in 2021.
If you are seeking Medical Attention during this time please contact Shorecare Smales Farm. 09 486 7777
Our opening hours
24th December - Close 3pm
25th December- Closed
26th December- Closed
27th December- Closed
28th December- Closed
29th December- Closed
30th December - Closed
31st December- Closed
1st January -Closed
2nd January-Closed
3rd January - Closed
4th January- Closed
5th January- Reopen to normal business hours.
Are you worried about COVID-19 and want to be tested? Let us help
With COVID-19 reoccurring in the community it is understandable if you are feeling anxious and scared. It definitely felt like NZ was back to normal until we were hit again. If you are worried you may have COVID-19 and have symptoms or a asymptomatic please do phone us. We are able to offer same day COVID swabs at a time that is best suitable for you at no charge.
It is vital to remember the importance of frequent hand washing, social distancing and wearing a mask during this pandemic. As we have seen with NZ`s latest cluster, it spreads like wildfire. Protect yourself and the others around you. Stay home if you are unwell, and do not hesitate to phone us for advice or to book for a swab.
How are we looking after our patients?
Now that NZ has moved to alert level 1 t is promising that we do not have community transmission of COVID -19. However, as a precaution our practice is still taking strict measures to ensure we keep our patients and staff safe. If you phone the practice you will be asked when booking your appointment if you have infectious symptoms, these include but are not limited to, cough, fever, runny nose, and sore throat. If YES you will be asked to remain in your vehicle until the Doctor phones you around your appointment time, you will then be screened and managed accordingly. It is important that patients with the above symptoms are not waiting in our waiting room exposing others. If reception notice you present with any of the above symptoms and are waiting in the waiting room for an appointment, they will discretely kindly ask that you return to your vehicle.
Please note that as the releases from the Ministry of Health are constantly updating this process may change.
Tele/Video Consults
If you have a video consult booked with your GP-please select the following link with the correct provider and “wait in the queue” The GP will join the video consult around your schedule appointment time.
Dr Meg Thomson: http://doxy.me/sunsetrd
Dr Michelle Kweon: http://doxy.me/srfd
Dr Tina Huang: https://doxy.me/sunsetroadfamilydoctors
Dr Heather Murray: https://doxy.me/drhmurray
Dr Medha Kadam: https://doxy.me/sunsetrfd
Dr Sejal Shah: https://doxy.me/ss136
Dr Selva Dhanabalan: https://doxy.me/drselvadhanabalan
Flu Vaccines now available for all!
We have just received notification that Flu Vaccines are able to be given to all patients as well as high risk patients. Please phone us to book in for your flu vaccine.
When presenting to the clinic for your vaccination, park in the patient parking. There is a cabin located behind the building. The nurse will see you have arrived and come out and do your vaccination. Please remain in your vehicle. You will be required to wait 10 minutes.